Watermelon Slice

watermelonWatermelon slice

Materials Needed

  • worsted weight yarn
  • 5mm crochet hook
  • 6mm safety eyes
  • fibrefill
  • yarn needle

Round 1. 8 sc in magic ring

Round 2. 2sc in each st around (16 sts)

Round 3. [sc 1, 2sc in next] repeat around  (24 sts)

Round 4. [sc 2, 2sc in next] repeat around (32 sts)

Round 5. [sc 3, 2sc in next] repeat around (40 sts)

Round 6. [sc 4, 2sc in next] repeat around (42 sts)

Round 7. [sc 5, 2sc in next] repeat around (56 sts)

Round 8. [sc 6, 2sc in next] repeat around (64 sts)

Round 9. switch to white, sc around (64 sts)

Round 10. switch to green, sc around (64 sts) Fasten off.

-add safety eyes between the 6th and 7th row, 3 spaces apart

-embroider on a mouth and some seeds


Round 1. ch 3, starting in second chain from hook, sc 2

Round 2. 2sc in each st (4 sts)

Round 3.  sc across (4 sts)

Round 4. 2sc, sc 2, 2sc (6 sts)

Round 5-30. sc across (6 sts)

Round 31. sc2tog, sc 2, sc2tog (4 sts)

Round 32. sc across (4 sts)

Round 33. [sc2tog] 2x (2sts)Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing onto the top

-Sew the bottom on and don’t forget to stuff!

Enjoy your cute little watermelon slice!