Four Leaf Clover Crochet Pattern


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Materials Needed

  • worsted weight yarn in green and some scraps of black and pink for face
  • 5.00mm hook
  • yarn needle
  • polyester fiberfill
  • 6mm safety eyes

Round 1. sc 6 in magic ring (6sts)
Round 2. 2sc in each st around (12 sts)
Round 3. (sc 1, 2sc in next st) repeat around (18 sts)
Round 4. (sc 2, 2sc in next st)repeat around (24 sts)

Make 2 circles from round 1 – 4 do not fasten off


Round 5. starting with 1 circle sc 6, ch 2, join to other circle on the 12th st, sc 6, ch 2 (12 sts, 4 ch sp)

Round 6. now working in the round for the leaf, sc around in the 12 sts and 4 chs from previous rnd. (16 sts)
Round 7. sc around (16 sts)
Round 8. (sc 3, 2sc in next (repeat around (20 sts)
Round 9. sc around (20 sts)
Round 10. sc2tog, sl st 4 times, (sc2tog)3x, sl st 4 times, (sc2tog)2x  -Leaving a long tail stitch the end closed


2nd leaf – using the remaining loop, repeat round s 5-10 on the opposite side

3rd  leaf– join yarn in corner st and repeat rounds 5-10

-close the holes on the sides of leafs (the holes may seem large but no worries they close up nicely)
-place eyes as shown and embroider on a mouth some little pink cheeks


4th leaf – join yarn in opposite corner and repeat rounds 5-10, sew one side hole closed



Round 1. sc 6 in magic ring
Round 2-12. sc around

stuff and sew stem on the open hole on the bottom of your clover



How to make a Magic Ring

A Magic Ring is an alternative way to start your project when working in the round. It will make an adjustable loop that you can pull tight, so you are not left with a hole on your starting round.


Rnd 1. sc 6 in magic ring Rnd 2. 2sc in each st around


Rnd 1. ch 2, sc 5 in 2nd ch from hook Rnd 2. 2sc in each st around

Here’s a video to help you learn the magic ring!